Battling out equal to Chin chess and go game in times before is an of two opponents of zero and resist;Nowadays international big game, but type in have Chinese draughts of several players, everyone's benefits complicated intertexture, compete for supremacy to win victory outside, also have that the benefits that makes use of this cooperation to hand over to gather.

 The spring of Arabia arouses political situation variable in Middle East

 For the past one years in the most important historic affairs, had no too'the spring of Arabia'.Democratization in Arabia world most importance result, is Islam the political party and organization start getting into political main current, confirmed the famous saying of died in the Heng court thus:The democratization is unequal to west to turn, therefore the civilization NBA Hats conflict that will turn worse an of Europe and America and Islam world sets up and becomes the important political challenge to the western world.

 But at education and science and technology up, Arabia and Islam society have an obvious development deficit and plus implicating of women's position, at it is thus clear that of future, tradition Islam social of the economy develop, will continue to get behind with Europe and America and East Asia.

 Does the world of Muslem mainly see a point, is the position that Egypt can resume political Arabian leader?And Turkey gives up EU, can walk on new Ao Si road of Man doctrine how far?Moreover, old sand especially after the next generation sons is floating about, Saudi Arabia faces social change and leader to break a layer and become Middle East and energy in the world political of important variable.

 Doing not without the development of irony is an is an Euro-American recent years to operate three greatest object-Iraqs, Libya that Arabian political power alters, Syria, common final outcome will be an absolutist customs political power is replaced by the religious people Cui influence, turn worse the religion of big Middle East to turn trend.

 Along with the depravation of Israeli safety environment, and pit in Iran controversy of deepen, Washington's contingency is the religious section that Atlanta Hawks Snapback Hat borrows to parties and Shiite by lousy Ni antinomy, to displacement Israeli & Pakistan conflict.This is wishful thinking to show results, have no assurance.

 The Euro-American economic public finance crisis continues to deepen

 In the western world, the existing welfare doctrine social mode can not keep on sex to continue to deepen.The existence crisis of euro is most obvious, cause European big backset of unification process.However this also urges to born another historic development-' fourth empire'of present:After the painful precept of two world war, Deutsche finally in peaceful way proof German race cultural superiority.

 The result of this matter, in addition to England divorces in the marginalization acceleration the West of Europe and would is virtuous Russia relation to regroup.The once reading of old Russia novel will notice emperor Russia upper level of French culture, but neglect German culture in history and the key function of the emigrant to the Russian social development.For example the card Jie Lin Nuo big emperor of leaf and it man all of Peter's three a life times are the German nobilities that takes German as mother tongue.Afterward all sand emperors, in addition to three a life times of Alexander, it is Deutsche empress to marry all.Until in October revolution, virtuous descendant's posterity still floods Russian society particularly knowledge field.The new combination of economic strength in Deutsche and Russian natural resources, will profoundly change Europe and Asia the ground of the mainland good luck politics.
 see more:Aring the key periods of Chinese economy
Can Chinese economy conduct oneself virtuously