American future public finance receipt and expenditure presents to dissipate of a situation, don't refrain from rash action, because two babyboom generation person's retirements will formally start in 2011, government of cure to protect to plan expenditure to anticipate into significant ascension to expect with pension.Produce from here of have never stired to have of recessiveness liabilities or be up to 114 u.s. dollars.The coming 50 years, latent will become reality of

The logic of
quantity baseball hats breadth is to repair wealth red margin indentation(not and directly constitute a part of stimulating the policy), inhibit economy win long-term interest rate.
If the
appears a certain strength to drive funds to keep on toward American reflux, logical should is the pressure that can let up quantity breadth.
 The tiny view noodles of American economy
appeared a many aggressive factor since this year, these factor performance is in the following evidence:
The cash of l business enterprise section flows and is placed in the level(diagram) of the best history with profits
The apple company(Apple) has no indebtedness but sits to hug USD 76,200,000,000 cash and high mobility property.DIOR Snapback Apple, Microsoft, valley song and Yahoo, IBM and Ebay, FaceBook and Twitter......Those business enterprises that enrich creative vitality very much still continue wealth myth
The liquidity of l financial section is 08 years, thunder Man affairs the eve can not compare

L the public margin market is small'bull market', expect a government bonds to multiply rate of return to decline to below 2%, 30 years for 10 years, the period declines to 3% 
L small business enterprise letter loan the movable to build up bring the improvement consumption of employment confidence improvement
Soup Sen road deeply/PayNet small business enterprise loan the index number(descend diagram) have already presented more and more strong trend, already continuously for 5 quarters degree, the small business enterprise letter loan increases soon in 20% levels.Reflection business enterprise of tiny view innovation activity instauration, with of to should of American jobless rate a quarter degree descend a little bit obviously recently, since April, this year go to October, the United States owns the number of unemployment insurance qualifications keep on increasing, increase to be up to about 61.6 myriad people.

see more:Want to increase or defend inflation
The euro area faces a difficulties choice