Inflation period people do? I'm afraid that this is a big problem, not a 杂谈 can talk about it. So, I published special new book, the poor inflation the rich deflation ", discusses the Chinese urban residents overall survival skills for the next few years, therefore, is not the details. However, the value of the goods according to law, Chinese grain prices over the market trend has prominent. At present, the average city residents should consider the problem.

First of all, we don't go to discusses national reserves of food, because the official diameter is 1 million tons, many experts and reporter investigation showed that the granary of the actual we have empty, except rice, other varieties of food mainly depends on imports. A data shows, officials say that our grain reserves have 80%, and in fact, MLB hats there may be data not exactly, the real food stocks, may have less than 200000 tons, is only 20% less than.

Second, we also don't say all these years 1.8 billion hectares of arable land have red guard, because these years of investment drive economic growth mode, decided on the highway, high-speed and such as the airport terminal, infrastructure construction, take up a lot of cultivated land, and the concrete is how much, the official also did not give a data, however, take up the cultivated land area is obvious. In addition to the west, we from the land of fish and rice long delta pearl river delta, to the central region, the north China plain, northern granary, the state of the decrease of cultivated land is startling.

Third, in more than 2200 of the county and the whole big enclosure movement, turn into a rout, wanton destruction of good farmland everywhere, on the agricultural production the severity of the damage, not seen throughout, horrify. All these shows, food prices will inevitably occur rises considerably, in inflation is more and more serious, the city residents face is the problem, I'm afraid to eat.

The south rice, the north now in a corn exactly what kind of price state? Since 2003, house prices have risen 5 times, monetary growth 5.5 times, real GDP increased by just 67%, food prices increased by just one times. According to economic law, food prices are higher than the housing price growth should be higher than the rate of increase, but the actual situation of China is, food prices artificially distortion. From the current situation, smuggling, smuggling a ton of NFL hats food abroad at least a profit of 3000 yuan, and the money should belong to farmers in farming, but people don't get.

According to law of value, grain prices in China will take place BuZhang, and, BuZhang there have been signs. Food prices BuZhang once in place, that than house prices are rising much faster. Recently happened a month rose 278% cotton, corn January doubled, this is obviously proof. The government will intensify the food price of control efforts, but, as to house price control, not received significant results, and, need time, plus food prices comply with law of value.

To make food prices are rising slowly very difficult. Urban residents will observe food prices soaring house prices, we need only observe, house prices do not fall, food prices must have surged. So, to average city residents speaking, it is imperative to reserve food, like the rich reserves of housing and gold, a large number of reserve food. The best food reserves time window is before May 2011. Remember, inflation period, the food, the people is gold, reserves a year of USES, will reduce the cost of living large.
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