Foster miniature enterprise development, of course, is in need of money to support, but, the influence Chinese miniature enterprise development of the core problem is not a blood transfusion, but in small and medium enterprise survival environment is very bad. Also, the bad environment, not from the risk of major competition, but from the power of the erosion. Since ancient times, which is China's business was robbed of the destruction of the main culprit is power, clearly is improper means infringed other people's interests, and also with the name of noble. And some advocates also keep propaganda businessman how sinister and profits, and provoke the relationship between both parties, not only to their profit, more important is to cover up their infringe upon others of the property of the facts. Business must put on a talisman, the qing GuanJue can plain code marks a price. As for rely on the identity of the strong tucking away from the very tight, head DaiGong top businessmen, and with the highest authority of the false name business entrepreneurs, everywhere. A lot of enterprise difficult to complete capital accumulation, was the QiaoGuXiSui make dead, power is more and more powerful, the result is the battle, Chinese modern being chased and beyond, is not surprising.


In China to improve baseball hats market economy, congenital conditions is very bad, is basically a piece of land improvement: power all c, you are he pick the fruit, raise again after a fat pig in a wide variety of an excuse to c. Small and medium-sized enterprise development can only be slow development of malnutrition. Before the reform of market economy, farmers can't live in the land, and have to go out into a peasant workers, and some also street business in slowly misled the true meaning of living. Enterprises become the welfare home was forced on the path of reform, and a lot of citizens and farmers from already poor Chinese gotten even Po orer to start, support the most of China's employment and economic growth. So, to foster good miniature enterprise development, had to clear up power to enterprise's against, the historical lessons very deep. No good living environment, and small and medium-sized enterprise survival or very difficult.


Small and medium-sized enterprise the greatest difficulties in financing is difficult, regular channel is difficult to loans. If some enterprise management the certain scale, many tax, feed a lot of workers, and when it came to money problems, GaoDai the attack occurred. There is a entrepreneurs of the grief and indignation is said, we shall be turned over to so much money, solve a lot of the employment problem, we just need some loans, are not the doorway. Some companies have to adventure to borrow usury, say the results more miserable. Many people say, the enterprises are born with naturally die, very normal, the problem is a massive enterprise collapse, very not normal.


For this, the central authorities and support meet the conditions of the commercial Banks to issue special to the small size of the miniature enterprise loan JinRongZhai; To speed up the development of small financial institutions, relax restrictions on private capital, foreign capital and the international organization capital shares of small financial institutions established condition, relaxing microfinance company single investors holding ratio limits, meet the polarized sunglasses conditions of the small loans can change make company town bank. The question is, can carry out measures is very good, promote private investment in the 36 and new 36 all say well, but in reality is full of glass. Unspoken rules than the rule also good, if this does not change, the market economy is often failure will be very normal things. Earlier, we suggest to let go of private finance, let private capital investment to make a way, and not always make speculation, today to land speculation, tomorrow to fry prices, make of the macroeconomic regulation and control around the fire fighting. The monopoly of the financial system must introduce the competitive mechanism, otherwise, the whole country's economic efficiency and lower.


Although our country economic growth rate is very high, but, if not the inefficient obstacle, we can do better. No economic modernity, want to transition no doubt would be crying for the moon. Foster and small enterprises, it is cultivating it with modern consciousness entrepreneurs and the key employees, hope that China can avoid the way turning into a bubble-and way, avoid industry was defeating the financial industry said. Also only foster industrial, propped up thousands of small businesses, to avoid the failure of the transformation and fall, and then we can is real, and said, we came out of the crisis.

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