This year is China to go into a life time ten anniversaries, the it may be said 10-year fillip is for an instant.The Chinese are enjoying a car to bring conveniently at the same time, also the beginning becomes sad for car.Take Peking as an example, before decade a car still a thing with sparse is expensive, car and building are listed as two major pieces that purchase first by the many people, but accompany with continuously increasing of the building price, the car seems to be more easily and enough to wear.But after the decade, buy the car must shake number in Peking, the line not only need to pay an expensive parking fee, but also need to spend equal time to seek a parking lot.Same ten years, before decade Chang-an the street can smoothly shuttle, now then sky, 100 streets of precinct chief, Anne, block up west from the east.Is also 10 years, car possession in Peking approaches 5,000,000;Little more than decade, the amount of production & sales of Chinese car double the double attain 18,000,000 scales and rush through English super United States and become one of the biggest car markets in the world.
  Go into a life time for decade, the car industry of China seems one prosperity.From got into German the public of Chinese market at the earliest stage, arrived a Toyota, in general use, Honda, modern, speed, Audi, BMW, and then arrive even two enter temple of thin second especially, Chrysler, until is recently new era hats wholesale have already definitely meant domestic English thin Ni Di, China market bags all car brands, even if is such as Jaguar, road tiger and thunder gram Sa Si etc. have no domestic, equally earned a plentiful Bo in China market full.Can not deny, go into a life time for 10 years, China has already become the car market that prospers most in the world, the streets and alleys in China, everywhere it is thus clear that every kind of car brand, China market becomes a huge automotive show.The set is used to at that moment spread language, if which brand haven't got into China market, true OUT.Chinese car is also from here come most turning for the market of industry.
  However, is the people, again the car market of the body biggest place.Our independent brands seem to have no because of go into a life time but become strong.Remember into a life time head year, the many people is described into a life time with the parable of "the wolf came" to the impact of Chinese car.The decade comes down, the problem of two levels should arouse our thinkings.One BE, go into a life time brought car price of lower gradually, let more people carry out a sedan dream, come up to say from the life style, should appreciate a life time.For example, the summer benefit of 10 year agos sells to more than 10000 dollarses 10, now then smallpox same money, we can buy a more honourable car.Two BE, our independent brand, although have no the theory of quilt"the wolf came" to break to knock down, existence space and best sunglasses environment of independent brand are getting more difficult.The independent brand has no because go into a life time decade but strong physique, at recent two years of sale ranking up, fresh see independent brand can ascend top ten, face about 20,000,000 for a year big markets, much yearly sales quantity of independent car Qis is hard to break more than 45100,000 ceilings.These two levels equally explain a problem, has been gone into a life time for decade, the strong or weak of car brand is getting clearer, the strong is stronger, weak weaker.

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