The national securities qualification convened by certified public accountants main person in charge of the meeting, make public accounting firms become the focus of attention, but also will be those who violate compasses accounting firms in the vanguard of the public opinion outlet wave. The scenery, green, purple xin pharmaceutical sunvo company markets such as' the typical '" fame ", the accounting firm fails to do due diligence obviously' accomplishments of '.

The China securities regulatory commission relevant officials think 'individual firms also made some mistakes' appear too' gentle ', since can make mistakes', 'so will also make' senior wrong '. More important is that the so-called "mistakes", can't rule out the possibility of intent. And fraud to the capital market blow listed, and cause the loss of investors is not underestimate.

The new shares, the market will generally pay attention to in the respect of the issuer of the financial data, business revenue and net income growth rate is often key concern objects. Some of the enterprise can also compliance grandstanding in capital New Era Hats market into, data cheating, whitewash performance become an indispensable means, and some accounting firm and the related personnel is' accomplice '. Can say, if not certified public accountants firms' contribution 'and operation, not the compliance of the enterprise impossible to attain ulterior motives.

From the ministry of finance statistics show that by the end of last year, China had public accounting firm about 7000 or so, which has the qualification for securities accounting firm 53 home, accounts for less than 0.8% than. But is this the 53 home accounting firm, last year it was realized operation income is 20.5 billion yuan, accounting for about 55% of total revenue in the whole industry. The development of the industry of momentum, plus the interests of the huge temptation to make some accounting firm for securities market the big cake lining up.

In order to seizes the market share, low-cost vicious competition in the industry in accounting firm has not any news. On the other hand, in order to obtain its own interests, public accounting firm to cater to the listed company or publisher who wished the same. So pattern, will lead to the listed company financial data distortion, on the market now fraud on fake frequency phenomenon to appear unceasingly, also will lead to the investors on unknown the truth in the mines' "again and again.

Objectively, financial data appear distortion, the company itself is listed on the factors, such as the material existence provide audit inaccurate or fabricated, fictional composition, the listed company is up a leading role. At the same time, public accounting firms also NanCiJiJiu, or not carefully perform their duties, or for the benefit of the "the ego 'disregard for the" self ". In the interests of the chain,baseball hats from the interests of the listed company drive from the interests of the public accounting firm impulse.

As intermediaries, diligently, abide by the independent, objective and fair ethics is the success of smee, also is the growing bigger and stronger and possess the fundamental guarantee of more market share. And the actual situation is, in some the accounting firm and the related personnel eyes, professional conduct had been altogether behind him outside the cloud, only interest is supreme.

In the fraud has exposure on the market, financial fraud cases, much as did 'fame "YinGuangXia lam, shares, near the earth, such as green purple xin pharmaceutical, etc, which a no flash across the behind the phantom of accounting firm? A: which one behind the accounting firm is not the inglorious role play? When violation cost and great interests are serious apart, appeared on the market more "green" and "the YinGuangXia ', we should not feel any fuss. Instead, this is the market of the laws of the game is inevitable.

The finance ministry said that will restart securities qualification certified public accountants examination and approval, the CSRC also said will be given heavier and accounting agencies involved is undoubtedly necessary. And the key to the problem lies in, hit the snake is going to play in the seven inches. If the loss of the ethics of the accounting firm and the related personnel are sweeping the floor go out, for fraud on the market, financial fraud appear on the market the company is ordered to its retreat city, fraudsters will also have the market?

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