'The environment of business enterprise management comes to a decision the strategy that the business enterprise adopts, business enterprise of strategy come to a decision the organization price of business enterprise, this is called environment decision strategy, strategic decision organization.'Great figure three afterbirth the high-tech Shu limited company Cheng Xue Yin of deputy governor think, the usually strategic level is again divided into three parts:On being the strategy of the so-called company level, namely business enterprise management of the category scope is whole categorieses or particularly category, use what way to carry out.Two is the strategy of the department level, for the concrete industry Tai, exactly want to adopt what kind of means carry out.Three is the strategy of the product level, the marketing is used what kind of strategy.

  Before reporter keeps in mind, include foreign capital tycoon's Wall-Mart, Carrefour, the mainland gets allied China of soldier and China ten thousand smooth etc.s at inside of retail price business enterprise for the existence and in order to stand firm a heel, usually take cheap sun glasses earnings as a first purpose, widespreadly adoption'collect rent'mode.But with of opposite should of BE, the business enterprise is managing a level, from director general to purchase, grow a manager from the store, from accept a silver to arrive sale, investigating of each Class although the contents is different,all directions take accomplishment as standard, otherwise will influence its income and appreciation.

  The strategic direction back in this hasty achievement near benefit, the business enterprise takes charge of very difficult.Even if the company is organizing to establish to have perfect management process and direct mechanism in the structure, but when the consumer's benefits and food safety conflict and sacrifice for declining low cost, the armani aviator sunglasses consumer's benefits usually meeting drive.This is exactly the Wan disease that causes a food safety management problem.

  The business enterprise value maximizes to remould brand, regression retail

  But started last year, the external environment started changing.After enjoying the gold high speed growth in decade and expecting, after retailing business enterprise sale to increase to obviously slow down in January, this year, in February whole country 100 point the large retail price business enterprise retail a sum to together compare to present a negative growth for the first time, BE-7.99%.Although related data March has a rebound,all analysis organizations are hard to give whether has already come out the estimate of low valley.
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