The restriction order of national territory department in the near future expands to the county city, national territory department already to the hair mail in national territory baseball hats section in each province, city and area, request to need scope in the city of reporting the excrescent bargain ground piece, extend to all national county classes and the above cities.This elucidation, land's adjusting to control has already gone deep into county city and is a kind of check and supervision for producing wealth to the selling of local government ground.Really, if there is no a kind of check and supervision, just want after selling out a land, again collect a house property tax, that crisis that the crisis for bringing isn't only only a real estate, probably will suffer erosion together with the whole economic orders.
Because the motion of land market is inevitable, impossible rises not to fall, once slipping, the place public finance led to spoil to extend to make a living, can hardly once adapt to a poor day, so, will bring more problems, on the other hand the land value descends, will make more obligations become bad Zhang, on the other hand, satisfy the public finance expenditure extending to need to develop more source of incomes, this may cause more antinomies.Say again, this is no longer the baseball sunglasses threatenning of theory meaning, now a lot of places of strong dismantle the behavior of obtaining the land, have already made a lot of antinomy and crises.
In the world just while hatching the background of large-scale obligation crisis, we hope that the development mode that our place obligations can dissolve, excessively depend on land public finance should change from the bottom of the heart, it lets revivification in the real estate market as real real estate market, not carries on the back to don't belong to its oneself's thing too manily.Many people says that Chinese real estate kidnap Chinese economy, problem BE, a lot of things always would rather with real estate bind together, you want that kicking out them is all impossible, the heat of Yang the Qis sliced the activity of getting into the real estate to explain this.
Follow a land market to have fun the place obligation of leaping the pole, in fact more easily wrong, once leaping very outstripped extreme limit-bank and places may degenerate a bankrupt edge, it pay to us to watch out for.

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