solution of any society to the social antinomy and the conflict all need one to terminate a mechanism, namely a 'stop here'of the mechanism , in the judicial process, is final trial verdict.Now but speech, Wei ideal target of the steady work is to attain'case knot matter', form an antinomy basic dissolve, the everyones can accept and obey an executive project.However, the current Wei is steady to work but hard truely dissolve conflict, end antinomy.Is concrete to come to see, the common people solve antinomy and dispute mainly currently is pass to petition and judicial these two outlets, however regardless petition or judicatory, be usually all in need of a kind of mechanism of terminating in the process of handling antinomy and dispute.This is to cause social antinomy of today oldly don't, new of again come of one of the important reasons.
 see first the our country extensively practice currently of petition system.In order to lacking procedure and legal effect, petition system hard Buy Cleveland Indians New Era Hat availably terminate antinomy and dispute;But the deep reason of its back, then power arbitrarily sex.The our country reforms an establishment through 30 years since a market economy and govern the basic frame of country by law, but the administration power still keeps being a social axis, predominate all aspects of social activities.To common people, the authority of government is still far far larger than judicial authority.Once the benefits is damaged or is subjected to unjust is treating, people always make it a rule to pass to petition, appeal for higher authorities help etc.'s outlet to ask for help from government.However, petition the system has of not procedure and indetermination, the performance is clear for want for of, widespreadly apply of operation rule.See from the actual effect, get into among the case of petitioning the outlet, the only 1/1000 or so case can get solution.[9] majority of problems can not get solution of appeal for higher authorities help personnel, meeting because of send to hope in'blue sky big master'but a visit again visit, formation continuously be detained sex to appeal for higher authorities help.On the other hand, the local government officials are forced to to up be responsible for of achievement pressure, adopt piece to visit, sell number, imprison, the Lao teach etc. falsely be means to inhibit people of appeal for higher authorities help behavior, make the legal rights of appealing for higher authorities helping be subjected to further injure, suffer more unjust is treating.This not only makes the problem can not get solution and on the contrary produces a more and more vigorous new antinomy, more probably induct extreme affairs.The pike head of these new antinomies usually directly points to all levels government.From here, not only the candor of the government section is queried, while it as well becomes the corpus of self-contradict conflict.[10] if this trend can not get to rectify in time, continuously for a long time hence, certanly will the backlog become the legitimacy crisis of influencing the overall situation.
 meanwhile, the vintag Fitted Hat antinomy in the power controlled judicial process' terminating a mechanism is also weak nerveless.Because society especially power section's widespreadly lacking the trust to the judicial authority and respect, many antinomies and dispute don't can get into a judicial outlet.Those even if got into the antinomy and conflict of judicial outlet, also may because of the related everyone lack enough respect to the judicial verdict and the verdict, but appear'register for the record difficult', 'take up difficult', 'carry out difficult'and'discuss again difficult'etc. a series of problem.Even have already done a final trial to sentence in the judicatory of and show because of a batch leadering, 1'receive', and then can cause a process that pushes over to do it again.Wade in the reality the method wades to tell of petition a great deal of emergence of case, is expressing that many cases abreast even continuously go back and forth with petition in the outlet in the judicial outlet.The existence of this phenomenon weakened the authority of law, and enlarged a problem-solving difficulty and caused self-contradict and the dispute Be long to don't definitely drag along, even circulate back and forth.

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