This case explains that there are in fact two traditions in China:The week is all, Qin Tong.1 is feudalistic, the gift cure of tradition, the another is absolutist, the Xing cure of tradition.But ex- a tradition be pretty much approached to modern of rule of law, because of, the modern rule of law forms in the feudalism tradition of England, the week goes feudalism.So, is general to discuss Chinese tradition, be Qin generally unique of China tradition, is loafing on job but have severity mislead sexual way of doing.
People will ask, but, week it replies Wu and be apart from now already more than 2,000 years, can the week system have what meaning to today?This parlance also to, but is not right either:The week replied Wu really early, however, does the week system in fact well exist by literalness form, that is the poem, book, gift, easy, spring autumn'five through'-originally should also have joy through, but it is getting loster.The Confucius deletes to settle six when the feudalism system collapses MLB Jerseys through, six is the gift method of week through recorded, but the week is exactly a classic feudalism system.Confucianism with six through is originally, the core position of Confucianism is exactly to reply a gift, also is exactly to reply feudalism, resume the tradition in week.
On these grounds can say, the logic that allows little Mr. Nian is hard to establish.Gift's curing is approached to a rule of law, so, if we advocate a rule of law, that the thorough comprehension the gift cure a tradition.Inheritted week system traditional Confucianism, in fact enjoy the essence of rule of law.Let me raise most Jian Ming's exam
ple:The week is easy has'Song'Gua, it elephant Yue:'Sky and water disobey a line, Song.The Buy Toronto BlueJays New Era Hat gentleman strives for by doing a matter to start.'Wang Bi notes quote from to allow first little Mr. Nian mentions of the language of Confucius:'Listen to Song, I still the person is also.Necessarily also make to have no Song?'The Confucius really hopes to have no Song-I believe, any minds of greatness can't think that a society that extensively starts lawsuit is a good society.
So, how attain'have no Song'?Wang Bi gives pretty much the Jing open up of explanation:'Have no Song to lie in striving for to start, strive for to start to lie in making to make.Contract not clear, Song of so living also.The thing contains its cent, the job contends for not and mutually and over what from interest?Song of so rise, once agree it also.The contract that is past to have a virtuous department but not the responsibility is at the person.'Translating into the economics language is:The law frame that draws up justice is clear in meaning to produce power, enhance contract.Can immediately reduce quarrel, dispute from here, the nature can reduce litigation.This not is also the soundest economics principle?
Mr. Xu's sage's talking about isn't accurate either, temporary don't talk.The above-mentioned fact knows elucidation, the Confucianism guards feudalistic of the gift cure a tradition, and, after Dong Zhong Shu, the gift managed to read partly to become system, also namely, at Be formal system of the Xing cure outside, another form a 'etiquette and custom'it cure system, but market operation need of private produce norms, such as power, contract and bargain...etc., all from etiquette and custom system norm.Important matter, the authorities usually also voluntarily acts as the compulsory execution tool of this etiquette and custom.Is exactly to ask for help from this self-moving law system, in the past 2,000 yearses, Chinese basically the life is in system in the market.
This isn't that the writer is past to make an astonishing theory, the economic history experts from authorities, such as Ju and Zhao Gang...etc. in Hou house all hold this viewpoint.Just arrive 50's in last century, this source far spreads long market system just is destroyed by system.

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